Any Project.
Any Surface. Any Time.Star

Whether you're doing a small repair or tackling a large project, we have all the products you need to get the job done right. Select a project category on the left for some great examples of how to best use the power of J-B Weld.

Trusted by Pros and DIY-ers
for over 50 years

Great Job

It did a great job fillng a knot hole. It worked exactly as the product was supposed to.

Best Epoxy on The Market

JB Weld has been making epoxy for years and yes they are the best at it!

- JD | Original Twin Tubes 2-Pack Gray Epoxy

Just What I Was Looking For

Just the right consistency and bonding capabilities I was looking for. My project was adhering a palm frond to a paper mache object.

- Joe | KwikWood 1oz. Filler

J-B Weld WaterWeld Epoxy

Since the epoxy was 2-part putty, it was easy get the epoxy to penetrate the PVC pipe in the cut area and get a good seal. It sealed and I have been monitoring the repaired area for almost a month - absolutely no signs any moisture leakage now!

- Fred | J-B Weld WaterWeld Epoxy

Would Recommend

My 1st to use the JB Weld. I have a crack in the side of my Jon boat where the corner of the seat punch a hole. Even though it was above the water line it was recommended by others to use JB Weld. That is what I did. No problems as yet.

- BJ42170 | WaterWeld White Epoxy Adhesive

Simply The Best

Simply the best. Quick setting. Incredibly strong. Mixes great.

- JC | .85 oz KwikWeld